African Dance Troupe Nananom Dance Ensemble performing. This dance troupe features dancers from all around the world. The president, Ephraim Ketsri is based in Nashville, Tennessee. Nananom African Heritage is a non-profit organization based in Nashville that has programs that expose youth and adults to the cultural arts of Africa.

African Dance Troupe Nananom Dance Ensemble performing. This dance troupe features dancers from all around the world. The president, Ephraim Ketsri is based in Nashville, Tennessee. Nananom African Heritage is a non-profit organization based in Nashville that has programs that expose youth and adults to the cultural arts of Africa.

African Dance Troupe Nananom Dance Ensemble performing. This dance troupe features dancers from all around the world. The president, Ephraim Ketsri is based in Nashville, Tennessee. Nananom African Heritage is a non-profit organization based in Nashville that has programs that expose youth and adults to the cultural arts of Africa.
Nananom African Heritage is a not- for- profit organization in Nashville, Tennessee that serves to promote authentic African Dance through Arts, Education and Recreation by demonsrating the rich cultural heritage of Africa and people of African Descent.
To create an exchange opportunity for indigenous dance companies in Africa to teach/tour U. S. schools, universities, churches and communities.
​To convey our African history through dancing and drumming thereby impacting the history and events that led to different dances in Africa.
To create a channel for Africans in the Diaspora to visit Africa in order to enrich their understanding of African heritage, as well as experience opportunities for economic growth.
To initiate programs that engage the youth in activites that teach community values and global friendship.
To use the art of dance to address the challenges of obesity.
To collaborate with other organizations that promote arts, education, recreation and health in building a better and healthier community.